Woman steals newborn baby from sleeping mum in hospital and stuffs him into a bag

[ad_1] A teenage woman stole a newborn baby from a hospital room while the child’s family slept.   Cuane Malaquias allegedly stuffed one-day-old Ravi Cunha into a duffle bag to smuggle him out of the hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.    She then ran back to her home in Favela of Morro do Borel – five miles away.   Mother … Read more

Nigerian lady confronts woman after spotting her sleeping on the road with her children three weeks after she rented a house for them (video)

[ad_1] A Nigerian lady who rented a house for a “homeless” woman and her children, got angry when she spotted them sleeping on the road.   According to King Mitchy, she saw the mother and her kids on the road and decided to help them two days later. She said she rented a house for … Read more