Akosombo Dam spillage: Man protests at Jubilee House for declaration of State-of-Emergency

[ad_1] Gideon Hammond, a Ghanaian young man is staging a one-man demonstration in front of the seat of government, the Jubilee House, in Accra. His reason, he says, is to register his displeasure over what he describes as the President’s adamance in declaring a State of Emergency in the various areas affected by the floods … Read more

Domelevo calls for publication of public officers assets after declaration

[ad_1] Former Attorney-General, Daniel Yaw Domelevo, has established the need to publish assets of public office holders after they have been declared. He says that would aid the purpose of the provision to bring out other assets owned by public officers which they may try to conceal. Speaking Thursday, October 12, 2023, during the thought … Read more

\Asset Declaration Act: Domelevo wants A-G’s office excused from overseeing obligation

[ad_1] Daniel Yaw Domelevo is Ghana’s former Attorney-General The oversight responsibility of the Attorney-General being in charge of asset declaration of public officers should be scraped, former Attorney-General, Daniel Yaw Domelevo, has called. He says the core mandate of the A-G which is auditing state institutions is already a huge responsibility enough for asset declaration … Read more

Deputy A-G wants asset declaration by public officers to include private businessmen

[ad_1] Alfred Tuah Yeboah is Deputy Attorney-General The Deputy Attorney General, Alfred Tuah Yeboah, has called for an extension of the asset declaration act to include private businessmen. According to him, the recent composition of the law is not fit for purpose since public officers can acquire properties in the name of family and friends … Read more

TV3’s ‘Thought Leadership Series’ on asset declaration comes off October 12

[ad_1] As Article 162 of the 1992 Constitution mandates the media in the discharge of its role as the fourth estate of the realm, to have continuous engagement with stakeholders unabated, to help diagnose issues hampering the progress of the state, TV3, in light of the requirement, presents the October edition of it’s ‘Thought Leadership … Read more