Mahama Ayariga calls for a full-scale investigation into Garu Military brutalities


Member of Parliament for Bawku Central, Mahama Ayariga, has called for a full-scale investigation into the beating of residents of Garu by some personnel of the Ghana Armed Forces. reported that some officers of the Ghana Armed Forces have subjected scores of residents of Garu and its environs to brutalization after they invaded this area this morning.

Many residents have been left injured and traumatized after the officers subjected them to merciless beatings and other forms of abuse.

According to some of the victims of military brutality, they were not told what their offense was but were just assaulted both physically and verbally.

Even though the reasons for the invasion remain unclear, it is widely speculated that the act was in retaliation for a confrontation that ensued between some National Security officials and a local vigilante group based in the area.

A statement from the Member of Parliament for Bawku Central called for a full-scale investigation into the matter to bring the perpetrators to book.

He used the opportunity to extend his sympathies to the victims of the brutalities.



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