Elevate your work beyond mere rhetoric – EC boss urges journalists


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Chairperson of the Electoral Commission Jean Adukwei Mensa has urged journalists to “ensure that your work goes beyond mere rhetoric to practising responsible journalism.”

She says the role journalists play could impact society either positively or negatively and should therefore uphold the truth at all times.

According to her, the media has been pioneers in nurturing the nation’s democracy over the years and should continue to ensure Ghana’s democracy is protected.

She, therefore, encouraged the media to be conversant with the delicate interplay required of them to safeguard Ghana’s democracy, peace and harmony.

“The 2024 Election will be more than democratic exercise, it is the test of our nation’s resilience. As journalists, you’ll play a crucial role in building up that resilience. You’re the ears, eyes and hearts of the citizens,” she said.

The EC Chairperson, however, chastised some media outlets for being used as vehicles for spreading propaganda, churning falsehoods and misinformation, thus, polarising the citizenry on political party lines. The media must rise to their responsibility of promoting transparency, truth and accuracy, she said.

“Your work as journalists will impact positively or negatively on our dear nation. As the Fourth Estate, you’re not only facets of our democracy, you’re its bedrock, beacon of truth. You’re the guardians of transparency. You’re the vanguard for freedom, catalyst for informing and shaping public debate,” she espoused.

The National Media Commission, she said, must ensure strict adherence to media ethics and set the standards to promote truth and respect and punish those who flouted the rules and regulations. The citizens must be discerning and demand the truth always from the media.

She also indicated that the Commission will welcome public scrutiny and criticism of its work, especially as the nation heads into a crucial election in 2024, however, this must be done with objectivity and candour.

She said that would ensure national peace, security and sustenance of the country’s democracy.

“We at the EC are not above scrutiny. Scrutinise and critique our work as your role requires but do so with objectivity. Criticisms laced with insults and falsehood should be beneath you,” she told members of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) Sunday, October 29, 2023.

This was part of her keynote address during the 27th GJA Awards held at the Accra International Conference Centre.

It was on the theme: “Leveraging Media Freedom to Sustain the Democratic and Security Architecture: The Litmus Test of Election 2024”.

The EC Boss noted that the stakes for the 2024 Election were high because they could make or break the peace and security of the country.

“We are partners in this quest to build our nation. We should put our nation first and work to ensure that irrespective of our political divide, our actions and activities inure to the benefit of our dear country,” she urged.

READ ALSO: Don’t allow politicians to decide for the state – Adomako Baafi to journalists


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