Divert funds earmarked for funeral tourism into agriculture


Musician KK Fosu believes that funds earmarked for funeral tourism should rather be invested in agriculture.

He believes that what the tourism minister said about the government investing in funeral tourism is not feasible and does not make sense, so it will be better to invest the money in agriculture which will create realistic jobs for the youth.

“The funds that will be used to fuel buses to transport people to these funerals and tourist attractions should be given to the youth for agriculture, and they will make more money. Ask yourself: Will what the minister said help the country more than agriculture?

Someone listening to the minister will know that he lacks foresight as an individual. How often do people come for funerals? If you’re a minister and you say the people of Ghana love funerals, you certainly are not okay upstairs.

Some of us do not have any form of education to say we are leaving, so when you try us, we will deal with you accordingly. Whose money will you use to bus the people? Is it not the taxpayer’s money?



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