‘Gov’t appears to have resigned itself as if it had finished its job’ – Frimpong-Boateng berates NPP’s unperturbed posture


Prof. Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng is a former Minister of Innovation, Science, Technology and Innovation
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A stalwart of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Professor Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng, has expressed shock over developments in the party saying members are acting as if Ghanaians do not have problems.

He says rather than concentrating on devising means to curb the teeming economic challenges confronting the masses, the NPP is interested in unleashing mayhem at groups and persons holding divergent views from them.

His comment stem from the attack on the staff and guest at UTV by some thugs of the NPP Saturday, October 7, 2023.

A statement issued by the Professor Sunday, October 8, 2023 said the NPP ought to be concerned about how to get the economy back on its feet since predictions from seasoned economists are anticipating a recovery of the Ghanaian economy in about three decades.

“I am equally amazed about how some members of the NPP are going about their daily routine as if they do not know the mood of majority of Ghanaians and the potential danger awaiting the party in the near future.

“Prominent and credible economists have predicted that considering the miserable and near hopeless state of the national economy, it might take Ghana at least 30 years to witness any semblance of recovery, even if we do everything right from now. Other knowledgeable, and equally credible economists tell us that they have not seen any country that has recovered from a malaise similar to what the NPP has visited on the country. The year 2024 will be turbulent economically, I am told,” he indicated in the statement.

According to the former Minister of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation, the current characterization of the NPP is alien to the tradition that birthed the party, adding that he finds the deeds of some people who call themselves leaders of the party so unparalleled with his.

“Instead of addressing the challenges confronting us, the government appears to have resigned itself as if it had finished its job and Ghanaians should wait for the next administration to address the myriad of problems facing the country. NPP, How Did We Get Here?

The present configuration of the NPP has no resemblance to the tradition that gave birth to it. At the personal level, I look at some of the people in political authority, others running the affairs of the party and still others claiming to be elders of the party and I don’t see what I have in common with them. NPP, How Did We Get Here?” he quizzed.

He adds further that the NPP “whose foundations are based on the principles of the rule of law, respect for the rights, opinions and dignity of the individual, fundamental human rights, pluralism and above all the separation of powers” has lost it with recent happenings in the party.

Some individuals believed to be members of the New Patriotic Party invaded the studios of UTV during a live telecast of their United Showbiz, a weekend entertainment programme and threatened the host and guests saying the composition of the panel and other acts that were exhibited on the show was an indictment on the NPP and the ruling government.

Sixteen (16) persons were subsequently arrested by the police after a report by the Ministry of Information and management of the station. The NPP, NDC and other stakeholders including the Ghana Journalists Association have all condemned the act.

READ ALSO: Frimpong-Boateng blames attack on UTV on impunity festered in NPP by government, party


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