Parliament hauls Kan-Dapaah before it over military brutalities in Garu, Tempane


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The National Security Minister, Albert Kan-Dapaah, will be briefing the Legislature Thursday, November 9, 2023, on the alleged military cruelties meted out to some residents of Garu and Tempane in the Upper East region Sunday dawn, October 27, 2023.

This is after the House has summoned him to appear before it over the issue which many have since ciriticised.

Many people in the town of Garu were hospitalised after a chaos from the military were released on them over what the Ghana Armed Forces has described as a reprisal attack over some national security operatives who had gone to the area on a counterterrrorism assignment.

Member of Parliament for  Zebilla, Cletus Avoka, had indicated his intention to table the matter before the House for probe Tuesday, October 31, after Parliament adjourned sitting.

At the time the MPs raised the issue Wednesday, November 1, 2023, Andrew Amoako Asiamah, the Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament who chaired proceedings directed the National Security Minister to brief the legislators on the situation on November 9, 2023.

“At the moment, what I want to do is to invite the Minister to appear before the entire House, come and brief us. Probably what we are hearing is different from what the Minister has at his sleeves. So let us invite the Minister to appear before the House, he will come and brief the House, and we will take it on from there.”

“So I am asking that the Minister appear before the house on Thursday the 9th of November 2023 to brief the House concerning issues related to happenings at Garu and Tempane.,” he indicated.

READ ALSO: Military brutalities in Garu: MPs to demand probe into operation – Avoka


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